Get into a neutral position, either on your back (use one pillow) or side (use one pillow). Avoid lying on your stomach if you have neck pain. When lying on your side, make sure your head is positioned such that you are looking ahead, not down at your feet. Contour pillows are good to use (though they take some time to get used to), or you can use pillows that incorporate a cervical roll. 
Stay upright with your head against the headrest and straighten arms out to keep shoulders back, Tilt rearview mirror a bit toward the roof so that the upright posture is necessary to maintain the total field of vision in the mirror. 
Using a computer--
Screen should be positioned at eye level, with head back and chin in. Sit back in chair and use a lumbar roll. Use attached arm on monitor or other device to hold documents at eye level. 
Don't read in bed. Often, too much head flexion is created if pillows are bunched up behind the head. Instead, sit with your back against the headboard or in a chair next to the bed. 
Enjoying Hobbies--
For counter- or lap-based hobbies such as quilting, sewing, collecting items in albums, etc., don't continuously look down for long period of time without taking a break. Change your physical position and stretch in the opposite direction about every 20 minutes. 
Don't do marathon gardening sessions. Take frequent breaks. Half kneel or squat when working.
When possible, half kneel or squat to keep spine in a neutral position. 
Watching television--
Sit up straight in the chair or on your couch. Don't slouch! Get up periodically and walk around. 


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    Sport & Spine Therapy of Marin

     Established in 1987. Sport & Spine Therapy of Marin (SSTM) is a privately owned physical therapy organization specializing in orthopedic rehabilitation, sports-related and over-use injuries, sports specific training, on-field athletic training and Pilates. Its mission is to provide the highest quality rehabilitation services in Marin County while providing excellent customer service to its patients.  


    June 2013
    May 2013

